On Saturday 17th March, four young residents from the YMCA are taking part in the ‘Winter Monster Race’, one of the South West’s Best Obstacle Courses and Mud Runs.
As part of the challenge at Escot Park, residents have embarked on an eight-week fitness programme led by our Activities Co-ordinator, Tim Wells. The aim of the programme is to get our young men motivated in life, get fit and help with any problems around alcohol and smoking. The programme will also teach them about endurance, team work and how to build positive relationships.

Led by YMCA volunteer and fitness coach, Paul Little, the group will be recording their adventures through our a video diary on our website and Facebook page. If you have any words of wisdom or advice for our team of budding ‘monsters’ then please contact us and we will pass your messages along.
Week 1: Cultivating a lifestyle of fitness at the YMCA.