Volunteering at YMCA Exeter is a unique way of getting involved within your local community be it in Exeter, or in one of our rural hubs. At YMCA Exeter, we would be nothing without our army of volunteers and it is them who make our service provision possible. Volunteering with us means you will be at the heart of our transformational work, inspiring young people to thrive and reach their potential.

We are continually welcoming new volunteers into our growing team. From supporting ex-offenders caught up in the criminal justice system, to making the bacon sandwiches at our employment and training sessions, serving mince pies at our annual Christmas abseil to singing with our residents in our music group, we can offer a volunteering role for everyone.

Each volunteer receives full training and support as well as an enhanced volunteer DBS certificate should their role require it. We organise regular volunteer thank you events including our Christmas meal and a Summer Barbeque. Each volunteer also has the opportunity for a one to one with our Volunteer Coordinator to look at learning goals and outcomes, as well as for pastoral input.

How can I become a volunteer?

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with YMCA Exeter. 

If you would like to join our waiting list and register your interest in volunteering with us, we will contact you when new opportunities arise. Please complete the short form below so we can keep in touch. 

    Please add me to the YMCA Exeter monthly e-newsletter
    Yes pleaseNo thank you


    For any queries relating to volunteer opportunities at YMCA Exeter, call us on 01392 410530 or email sue.wilson@ymcaexeter.org.uk to arrange a chat.