YMCA Exeter operates a charitable donation Rent Bursary scheme that helps young people who are currently living in our St. David’s Hill accommodation to be able to enter into full time employment. This is because as your income from your employment increases, the amount you receive from Housing Benefit decreases.

Our Stage 2 housing, currently at Newcourt, offers continued supported accommodation matched with rents that are affordable for those starting back in to employment full time – however it may be that Newcourt isn’t the ideal option for you just yet. For that reason our Bursary will “cap” your rent at the same amount that you would pay if you did live there (currently £135 inclusive per week). You can ask your Link Worker about your options.

The bursary is time limited and lasts 13 weeks (3 months).

There are a few conditions in order to claim our Rent Bursary, these are:

  • You’ll need to provide evidence of your income (wage slips usually do the trick!)
  • You’ll need to request the bursary with your link worker (you can’t just assume you’ll get it!)
  • You must ensure that if you are eligible for any part payment of Housing Benefit, you have provided and done all you need to in order to claim it
  • You must make your part of the payment in order to then receive the bursary

How to apply

Applying for the Rent Bursary is simple; try our Rent Calculator to see if the bursary would apply to you. Then print out the result and speak to your Link Worker for an application form or ring our main office number on 01392 410530.