YMCA Exeter spreads Midsummer Joy across the city

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YMCA Exeter surprised residents and business owners in Exeter last week with random acts of socially-distanced kindness.  Free bags of chocolate, posies of flowers and drink vouchers sprang up attached to railings and trees across the city in a bid to put a smile on the faces of people coming out of lockdown. Sticking carefully…

YMCA Exeter offers early intervention support to young people, their parents and carers, to address emerging mental health concerns

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YMCA Exeter is offering early intervention support to young people, their parents and carers, to address emerging mental health concerns as recent data shows that roughly three children in every classroom have a diagnosable mental health condition.    As Covid-19 pandemic sees rise in fear of long-term mental health impact on children and young people, YMCA Exeter is calling on parents and carers to not face this…

Praying for lasting positive change: YMCA Exeter stands in solidarity

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Written by Gareth Sorsby and Si Johns (Joint CEOs) Psalm 103:6 The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.     As a local Christian charity, wishing to demonstrate God’s love for all people and communities, YMCA Exeter stands in solidarity with everyone working peacefully to end racism and discrimination. To this end,…

My experience in lockdown by Courtney Pickup

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This month, we meet YMCA Exeter resident Courtney. Courtney is 20 years old and has written a blog about her experiences of lockdown. Lockdown has been a very difficult time for me. In particular, my mental health got worse when I had to self-isolate due to showing symptoms of COVID-19. The way I personally dealt…

Managing my Chronic Illness during Lockdown by Katie

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My name is Katie, I’m 21 years old, I’m a resident at YMCA Exeter and I live with a chronic illness called Fibromyalgia. During lockdown I have seen many articles about how lockdown has affected our mental health and how to cope with that. Yet whilst lockdown has taken a massive toll on everyone’s mental health,…

Urgent cleaning supplies donated by local businesses

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We have seen much needed cleaning supplies arrive from local Exeter businesses to ensure the continued health and safety of our 60 young residents.   Toilet rolls, hand sanitiser and bleach spray were amongst the items donated over the last few weeks by local businesses having to close their doors during the current crisis.   As supermarkets emptied in the run up…

In this crisis young people need us more than ever

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A letter from our Joint CEO, Gareth Sorsby: I look back to February this year – we’d just left the EU; politics was hot on our minds and here at YMCA Exeter we were discussing the topic of homelessness with the BBC. Even thinking back to just three weeks ago and our night under the…

YMCA Exeter celebrate £180,000 raised over a decade of Sleep Easy

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YMCA Exeter would like to say a big thank you to local residents for supporting the 10th anniversary of Sleep Easy and sleeping rough for one night to support local, homeless young people.    Over £6,000 was raised on the night as participants slept out on DIY cardboard beds, bringing the total to £180,000 raised over a decade of Sleep…

Our Response to Coronavirus

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A message from our Joint CEOs, Gareth Sorsby and Si Johns: Under recent government guidelines we are doing all we can to assist in the reduction of Covid-19 virus spread, by reducing our physical community interaction spaces and replacing these with virtual social spaces for our young people to continue to connect with us and…

YMCA Exeter launch 10th anniversary of Sleep Easy night

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YMCA Exeter  is calling on local residents to come together for the 10th anniversary of Sleep Easy and sleep rough for one night in March to support local, homeless young people. YMCA Exeter is one of several YMCAs across the country that have joined forces to raise awareness of youth homelessness on Saturday 14th March….