As a staff team, we are inspired by the example of Jesus Christ and motivated by our shared experience of God’s love and his transforming work within our own lives.

We believe that every person is hugely valuable and ensure that our services are welcoming to people of all faiths or none. We offer young people the space they need to feel secure, respected, heard and valued and we stand up for young people, speaking out on issues that affect their lives.

Our current projects

Supported Accommodation

  • A home is more than a building in which we live. It is a place where find stability, safety, encouragement, hope, rest and love. It is in this context we provide more than just housing for young people, we seek to give them a home.

Mental health and wellbeing

  • Building resilience in chidren and young people so they can cope mental health challenges, and move beyond coping to one day thriving.


Children's and youth services

  • Providing safe places where children and young people can make healthy friendships, have conversations about topics relavent to them and talk to trusted adults.

Offender rehabilitation

  • Empowering, educating and mentoring young men are caught up in the Criminal Justice System, we believe in restoration through relationship to unlock their God-given potential.

Community Development

  • Supporting and equipping local churches and communities to develop activities and services that benefit everyone


  • Now in its seventh year, our internship placements give young adults practical, hands-on experience of working within the Christian charity sector.