COVID-19 is causing great uncertainty. We know you may be feeling anxious about how it is going to affect you. But, don’t worry we’ve got your back! On this page you will be able to find up to date information about our services and we’ve produced some resources you may find useful, covering everything from social distancing to coping with increased anxiety and stress. Please click on the images below to access them.

To assist in the reduction of Covid-19 virus spread our youth clubs and community connecting services are now being delivered online and through mobile technology. This includes:

  • Socially distanced youth groups in Broadclyst on Thursday evenings
  • Online gaming groups and live chats with our community connectors

Please get in touch with your youth worker or community connector for details of how to get involved.

In our Supported Accommodation we continue to give clear advice and reassurance to our residents whilst implementing increased protective cleaning arrangements across our buildings. For our residents:

  • We’re running weekly activities including gaming, craft and lego competitions 
  • We are providing blogging opportunities for young people to share their experiences
  • We have set up a dedicated Coronavirus information and facts Facebook page
  • We’re running virtual cafes and watch parties where residents can bring their favourite cuppa and join in an online conversation
  • We have resumed face to face meetings with residents following social-distancing guidance

Details and times of all these activities can be found in our private Facebook resident groups.

Resources for children, young people and families

What is Covid-19 (Coronavirus)?

How to self-isolate

Staying healthy

Downloadable Wellbeing Lockdown Booklet

Premier Radio: Children's gaming advice for parents

Free Children's Activity Pack Download

Regular wellbeing tips and chat on Instagram!

Up-to-date advice from our housing support team

Downloadable self-care checklist

Staying apart

Cleaning Supplies Appeal

9 ways to cope with anxiety (Blog from YMCA DLG)


If you are trying to access any of our services, please call or message us and we will connect you in with the right staff members. You can call our main number on 01392 410530, message us through Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (using @YMCAExeter) or email us on

Funding acknowledgments

We’re proud to have been awarded several grants in order to provide additional support and relief for young people and communities affected from Covid-19. This includes grants from:

  • Exeter City Council
  • Devon County Council
  • Neighbourly
  • Tesco Bags of Help
  • LandAid
  • The Chartered Accountants’ Livery Charity
  • Devon Community Foundation

The additional funding is enabling us to develop digital spaces that reduce loneliness, provide food parcels for our residents to alleviate food poverty during self-isolation and top up our rent bursary fund so young people who have lost employment can claim additional rent support.